Monday, March 17, 2008

Bridging the (Technical) Gap

Learning Bahasa Indonesia is very important when dealing with poultry owners and their staff. Why? Because if you don't speak the language, its probably 100% sure that you won't get things done the way you want it to. So to help you in expressing yourself to these people, here are some words I found useful to use whenever I am giving instructions in the farm:

1. tirai/layar - curtains
2. jantung - heart
3. hati- hati - liver
4. paru-paru - lungs
5. kapalan - foot pad erosions
6. pelebaran - expansion
7. pamanas - heater
8. suhu - temperature
9. nyaman - comfortable
10. program pengobatan - medication program
11. gumboro - known to us as "IBD"
12. ngorok - rales
13. cekrek - snicking

These are just some words I find useful in the farm. More technical terms as soon as I learn them.

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