Finally, the season finale of Heroes season 2 will be aired this wednesday 8pm WIB. It's a cool series because it shows that people with superpowers may use their powers for good or for evil. The plot is always changing and you never can tell what will happen next. My fave character their is the Japanese guy named Hiro who has the power to teleport himself to anyplace and anytime in the world. One episode in Season 1 showed him teleporting himself to the girls bathroom! How cool is that!
Anyway, this show is a lot like the workplace. There are people who have power and there are people who wants to have power. People in power may use their abilities for good or evil. Reminds me of my past bosses. One of my past bosses uses his power to scare you into doing your job very well. Scared the hell out of me but come to think of it, I did perform well because of his tactics. Although he used his power to scare his people, his ultimate goal was to elevate your performance. And he was also very protective of his people. Nobody can scream at his people except for him. Another one of my bosses also uses his power but in a different way. He uses his power to make other people agree with him even if everyone knows that he is wrong. He makes his subordinates realize that no matter what you do, the boss is always right. The boss is always the best. The boss also signs your paycheck and determines your salary raise!
People in the workplace who wants to have power usually are very friendly with people who are in power. In the local Pinoy dialect, it is called "sipsip". COme to think of it, the word is dead center in describing these people. Since they want to be in power also, by "sip-siping" to the boss, they in turn may have sucked some power from the boss. Oh, to be favored by the gods!
Case in point, I have a colleauge before who always says yes to the boss even if he knows that the boss is mistaken. And when the boss turns around, that's the time he unleashes a series of vile vituperations against that person. But because he is such a good dog, I mean boy, he is always on the good side of the person in power. Talk about lap dogs!
Back to Heroes. If you have the need to imagine yourself having super powers and saving the day, without having to suck up to any one in power, then this show is for you.Catch it Wednesday nights at AXN at your local time.
" With great power, comes great responsibility!"
" With great power, comes great responsibility!"
- Uncle Ben to Peter Parker, from the movie "Spiderman"
***picture of "Heroes" above taken from kateblake_200 at
***picture of "Heroes" above taken from kateblake_200 at
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